Short JB Trip Diary, Lifestyle, Malaysia, TravelsJune 8, 2024 Went on a short JB trip with TS and here's the stuff we went for!Continue reading
today is tuesday TUESDAY Older Blog Posts, Secondary School BlogApril 10, 2012 T-U-E-S-D-A-Y spells tuesday and monday, the day you get to see your friends after like a weekend but tuesday you get crazy. keekeekee 🙂 life was much better after i stop hanging out with ziying. I do not know why … Continue reading
Protected: Week 5 of 2019 Diary, LifestyleFebruary 5, 2019 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.Continue reading
Pokemon Omega Ruby!! Older Blog Posts, Poly Blog, Polytechnic Days, SchoolNovember 22, 2014 Ta-dah! My omega ruby <3 Chose torchic (as expected) as my starter and hella wasted … Continue reading