When i primary 1, i gt in punggol pri. the sch was big(now i feel like its an anthole)
i rmb first day go, i gt lock in the toilet, cannot go out, almost cry. cause dunno how to open. lucky in the end opened (miriclely) -.-
First week of sch gt buddy bring u to recess ya? They pri 5. very big size. i went to eat curry chicken rice for the whole week. i eat super slow. and she always make me sit with her friend and a female classmate of mine. tried making me talk to her. lol.
then i went on to knowing classmate, and is close to two girls, wenwei and yanzhen. yup,rmb both. Both in my fb also. haha, but usually i just hang out with wenwei.
when i pri1, super no guts talk to teacher one. and i hate writing chinese de homework where u write a word repeatedly. i keep dun do. cher say he check then i chiong. it then become a habit tat i always chiong tat homework last min for the rest of six yr.
i was index 16, class P1-6. eww, if u are my ex-classmate from P1-6/P2-6 of punggol primary (2004-2005) pls email me. 🙂 i rmb index 17 boy, he also in compassvale secondary, he dun rmb me though. he in NA stream, i saw and recognised him. Thr was another girl also, malay girl, very weak in studies. i paired up wid her to help her in emglish. i use to be a smart student kay? yup, now she in punggol secondary. Not sure wad stream, i saw her on bus 136 a few time. nvr talk only.
Primary 2 is almost the same except the fact i start mixing around with the boys. ya… i rmb i cry when my form teacher leaving(she came bck when i P4) and thr was a new girl. she is not smart at all, and love to cry. i always helped her. and thr was once she was really nice to me. i had stomachache during chi lesson and she sees it. she lend me her notes to copy. so nice of her. i went home soon after. cannot tahan the pain. Now, even pain till wan to die, i will press on till dismissal.
End of pri 2 , i end up being the only person in class to go p3-8(2nd best) fml. 5th in class. nt bad arh?
did i talk about moving house? in 2004 3rd of May, we move to a condo cause i say i wan a house with playground and swimming pool. tat day was suppose to me my first ever english SA1, but i gt high fever, ya, on the day of house moving. fml.
i took sch van when im p1, i rmb gt quite nice ppl. i met girls from class p1-3. they nice to me. yup. and the first time the sch van go into my condo, the whole bus wow-ed. cause it all pick children frm hdb only. i change to sch bus soon after and met shu qi, who also go p3-8.
I also join chinese dance as a cca. most of my classmate chose choir. And seriously, i did not enjoy it at
all. it was all because my mother wan me to join. My real interest then, was singing