Wake up at around 630am today, but lie in my bed until 7am cause school start at 8am. chiong bathe and quickly eat breakfast cause havent pack my bag ; its completely empty. Throw in everything that i saw on the floor and went out to play handphone. Then i got the ‘i forgot something’ feeling *and mind u its always very accurate i dunno why.. my sixth sense* but just dunno wad is it so dun care. took car to school. Halfway i remember what i forgot. MY PENCIL CASE GOSH! Lucky i know something liddat will happen and always bring a 4 color pen in my bag. heng arh.
Physics was not bad. We learnt temperature. went very slow, finally. Mr Tay forever choing like no body business. But Mr Ng always goes slow. i prefer going slower. Test will be returned back on wednesday, worried ttm :O
recess, obviously choing my english lar, what else??
English, i hand up crap to Ms Suraiya and hope she dun scold me. Bleh good luck to me. I scribbled and hope she can read if not i’m dead. grammar homework sucks and i do not want to do.
Chinese, group work was ultra duper fun. Shu ze did most of the work, me and chermaine joke and joke, eugene keep talking to other group and petrina help shuze a lil. the funny part was that the trainee teacher asked the tallest person in the group to stand and present >> ahahaha shuze again. He poor thing, kenna bully by all of us. well, although i do not know tat cher very well, but is it a lil psycho to ask for the tallest in the group?!
Maths was suay ttm. 19 march 2012.. seriously?! March (3) walao kenna called up to do. Me dunno how do somemore! lucky mr zhang let me do 1b, cause i know how to do. after looking at how they do i understand liao. Today also start on how to solve cubic equation and it was super fun. I love A maths 🙂
History, same still on russia, but i enjoy history, one because very slack, two cause it is intersting. GEOGRAPHY WHERE GOT GOOD MAH? right? okay i admit i prefer facts more, and somemore i from red cross leh, should learn more about past suffering and stuff right? oh and btw, SEQ i get 10/12. Not very please cause i wanted 11/12. only the 3I girl got it and i felt that cher was bias. who cares -.-
After school accompany ziying and hongpin for a while then go home. before going home i was just curious and reading the npcc notice board and ziying suddenly scare me and as usual i let out my super high pitch yell and like so concidence mr zhang walk past and say he didn’t know that sound can be made by human and i sound like those duck going to be killed. SERIOUSLY GOT SO KUA ZHANG MAH? lol, not offended but seriously got so serious anot? cannot blame me to be borned high pitch wad.. Lunch was awesome 🙂 mushroom porridge. yummy! <3 brother was having his home tuition and i just sit there and eat like nobody business. When the tuition end i immediately on the TV watch 華麗的挑戰 also known as skip beat! awesome show 🙂 no plan for homework until 7pm. alot homework so wad, i famous for choinging homework if i got the mood. I rmb primary school choing one compo 10min enough. 3 page and passed~ yea!
Anyway i finish my homework liao 😛
i’m so into one direction songs these days. They so awesome 😀 i do homework also need listen songs de. Now playing: One thing
But i need that one thing
and you got that one thing ~
so, get out get out
get out of my head
Oh yah, if i fail this week’s math test, i probably can kill myself. cause i love logarithm alot, and i must not fail. But indices… hmm, i going to brush up on that tmr. ahhhh