Just some posters on stopping animals abuse. Really, animals are living things too! Who give the rights that living things that could not fend for themselves is to be abuse? People who abuses animals, not only i despise you, you have a black and ugly heart that can never be washed clean. And the sins you accumulated by inflicting unneccersary pains on the defenceless animal, is so great that you are just below another murderer.
I’ll type an essay on stopping animal abuses soon. For now, the posters – from google 😀
;They also have their reasons to exist okay?
;No, you did not do anything wrong… Its the fcuk up society
;No, i’ll never 🙁
;can you believe these horrors?!
Why don’t we have law that writes ‘an eye for an eye’ Those who abused animals will be abused back the same way. This should be what i call Justice.