Celebrated Belle’s birthday yesterday and it was quite a success but was like super rush because we don’t have much time. It was pretty fun, with the selfies and all.
Shall post some pic that I do not look super duper fugly and unglam.
The cup cakes we got from fc3. Quite nice hahahahaxD
This is taken using selfie stick and obviously only belle looks good because she hold the stick. ahahaX
I thought this is a very nice picture. And this is not filtered. The sunlight was just nice and the angle was good ^^
Peek a boo. Cheryl is too short to be seen fully hahahahahahahaxD *cross my fingers hope she won’t see this*
And this is just belle with the cup cakes
Some guy from next table helped us to take this pic. Not bad eh?
And after the celebration was cell bio presentation. Was super nervous during the presentation i forgot a lot of stuff that i wanted to say and missed all the cool cool things i could have shared. IRK! And Dr Koh ask my group a very difficult question which I’m still googling now (and why am i here? :D)
My legs was shaking so much during presentation, while walking from the table to the screen i tripped and in my mind i was like “omfg why me” and i heard A LOT OF laughters. One bunch of no compassion classmates and buddy classmates 🙁 hahaa jkjk. I mean, after laughing they are awake and will listen to what i am presenting, so it is worth it right?
And i don’t know why they laughed at my pie chart. I mean, i designed it myself and somehow i think because i use pink. But pink was a default theme color. I was lazy to change myself.
Ok, today chemistry lab. Very shit because no reaction or explosion. Only stupid models to play but yup.
Black = carbon, White = Hydrogen
Guess what is this?
It is C2H6. Also known as ethane.
And the green thing is chlorine.
My doggy-like molecule
My benzene ‘bracelet’. Didn’t add in hydrogen cause i was lazy.
It look nice on my hand hahahahahaxD
Some complex molecule i built
And because im too bored as im the first to complete the worksheet.
Somebody is working hard here.
chloromethane. In case you have no idea what is this shit.
Happy 6th anniversary 2am ^^<3
Today, 11 July 2014, 2am officially have their 6th anniversary. They officially debuted on 11 July 2008 and they have went through so much these 6 years to reach where they are now. Hope to celebrate another 10 or 20 years anniversary with them.
IAM forever <3 Promised