수퍼주니어 축하합니다!!! Today is mamacita 3rd win!! And 2pm first stage on Music bank!!
12 Sept 2014,
I didn’t do much today. Am currently listening to Sukira. I’ve been listening to Sukira for 2 reasons, one is to improve my Korean and two is because I love Ryeowook! I don’t really understand what they are saying now, and I don’t know who is the guest, but it seem like Kara because Ryeowook mention Kara many times, and the new member Youngji said something to her unni just now. I went to Google who is today guest and a website wrote it is Secret. I’m confuse…
Finally satisfied my craving for laksa this morning. Craving for it since Monday so I’m happy.
Thinking of my grades again. Feeling depress at the thought of my grades I will work super hard next semester if I can survive through this semester with my desired GPA of 3.9. If not, I’ll make plans to transfer to JC. Although I will miss all the awesome people I met in poly.
Because of all the awesome people, I will blissful. My temper became much much better and I’m much more happier and cheerful.
I’ve plan to play my ds through the night. Nintendog, Tomodachi life, Pokemon diamond and animal crossing. I want to play brain age too but I’m lazy. Rhythm heaven is very difficult!!
Oh, and the First Aid training that I am looking forward to very much (if you read my past blog post you’ll see how excited I am), it is cancelled. I’m so upset and disappointed over it. I’ve been looking forward to it so so much you know?
Argh, today is not my best day because I’m stuck at home and not a lot of people contacted me…
Went to read Heechul’s blog. Very hilarious I must say.
I’ll stop blogging here. Sukira is ending in a few more minutes. If you want to listen to Sukira, click here during 9-11pm Singapore time (it plays 10-12pm Korean time). It is live and DJ is Super Junior’s Ryeowook. It is in Korean, but even if you don’t understand, hear his cute voice is enough already heeheehee^^