11 Jan 2015,
I’ve decided not to go for OSIP after a long thinking. It is funny how I get something people wants, but rejects it. Honestly, I really want to go OSIP, but not at the location I was allocated to.
So one fine day, I received an email telling me that I was selected to go Yogyakarta for OSIP, in Indonesia. Apparently, I was quite devastated because of the recent plane crash. I already have fear for planes and now with a crash, there is just no way I want to go to that place. I really don’t like planes no matter how many time I take it.
After some research, I figured that most likely they will make us take AirAsia, which I have no nerves to even step on. I email-ed the person in charge to ask what airline we will be taking but obviously the person avoided my question. I have never took a budget airline before, and my first time will be on one that just had a crash because they broke rules (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/indonesia/11323104/AirAsia-crash-plane-was-flying-without-permission.html)? No way man. I am so not going to risk my life for a stupid 2 credit module.
Plus, OCIP or OITP sounds way more fun than OSIP. I’ve read what previous batches done in Yogyakarta OSIP and that wasn’t very interesting. To put it bluntly, it is boring and stupid. I think if I do SIP locally, it will be better. I want to save my funding for a better trip.
You see, taking Cathay Pacific (not budget airline) to Hongkong from Singapore only cost $200-$300 and it includes TV, meals and nice service. How much will it cost to take a Budget Airline to a nearby country?