This is a very late post but I must tell this story because I met the most disgusting woman you can ever meet on MRT.
So this happened on my Maths EST day, which was long ago but this isn’t the main point.
I was happily (okay maybe not but…) travelling on the Circle Line that day, towards school for my maths paper. Armed with many textbooks to return to library since they send me warning already. Didn’t manage to get a seat and was kinda upset because it is very difficult to study while caring for 2 huge encyclopaedia-sized book and holding a textbook at the same time. So at Bishan, which is an interchange, inevitably there will be a lot of movements, because people alight and people board. I was standing happily at my spot, pleased with the extra personal space I get (although not much) because the woman on my right shifted a little after some people alighted. All of a sudden, this woman who is like twice my size nudged me to hard I shifted. I mean woman, use your mouth and ask me to move in, not push me in. Anyway, because of my height, I cannot stand right below the triangle thing on MRT because my head will hit it and it can get quite uncomfortable. That woman happily pushed me right underneath that triangle thing! So annoyed I was at that time. I can’t even move anywhere else at that time, since it is peak hour. So I have to bear with that thing hitting me every few seconds while the train is moving. Tried to ignore her and the annoyance and study my mathematics.

So I was reading on partial fraction when the train was moving from Caldecott to Botanic Gardens. If you had ever taken Circle Line you will know from Caldecott to Botanic Gardens takes about 5 minutes. It is freaking long. I was minding my own business when suddenly that woman pushed me again. Wow woman wow, for no reason. The train was moving at a reasonable speed and she pushed me. Of course, if anyone did that to you you will glare back right? So I did, and guess what I saw. That woman was jumping around! For what? She jump around, sweeping her shirt and suddenly guess what I saw. A WORM! A LIVING WORM. ALIVE AND MOVING WORM! I saw it on the floor, right in front of her, which wasn’t there before she pushed me. How disgusting that woman must be, to have a living worm on her. The worm is thin, black and earthworm looking, but shorter. I am not scared of worm so I was pretty composed when I saw it, although the disgusted feeling still lingers around (not because of the worm but the woman). I expected her to pick up the worm and dispose nicely, but guess what that bitch did.
The woman on her left side (I was on the right) apparently had no idea what happened. The woman sitting in front of her had no idea too because she was reading a book since boarding at Serangoon. So the woman on her left side moved to her position, which was right in front of the worm. I feel sorry for the woman. The worm was travelling back and forth the seats and her. At one point I thought I saw the worm body split into two in the middle. I was thinking if I should tell the women because you know, some women turn hysterical when met with worms, insects etc. I don’t need a commotion next to me you know.
So of course I didn’t say but I glared at that stupid bitch that was twice my size till she alight. Guess what. She was really a coward bitch. Why? Because at Botanic Garden she did not alight. Then why will she want to move to the door so early. During peak hour the door area is the most crowded. She is scared of worms. But there is a living worm on her shirt.
Glared at that dumb fool till she alighted at Farrer Road. People like her introduce pest to new environment. She is like HIV. Spreading bad stuff everywhere, even when unwanted.
By the time I alighted at Buona Vista the worm stopped moving. No idea why though. I am not sure if it is dead or just resting.
The poor cleaning auntie that have to clear the worm thanks to some pest-introducing-bitch. By the way, your handbag uh auntie, is very very ugly and look like cheap knockoff. Please wash your clothes and bathe everyday to prevent growing of worms on you. Disgusting. And please bring your pet along when alighting from MRT. MRT is no SPCA and even SPCA do not allow such abandonment.
Oh yes, the reason why I did not clear the worm was 1. I was carrying 2 freaking encyclopaedia-sized book weighing more than 2kg plus a textbook, 2. I have no tissue on me and do not intend to touch bacteria-filled organism that was originally from the disgusting auntie and 3. even if I have a tissue MRT station have no bins for me to dispose, meaning I have to carrying this organism to transfer train which is very inconvenient.