Year 3 in poly in no joke. Especially when you are in SP Biomedical Science. Totally no joke.
First off, why did my lecturer even think that helping us form group is a good idea. Just because DBS is a better course doesn’t mean there is no freeloaders. And unluckily I have to work with one (again). Not like during SIP I haven’t suffer enough from freeloaders.
And if you are going to give me a useless team mate that doesn’t contribute much (useful work), then at least put me in a 4 person group. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing group work or pair work. It is really really unfair that she will be getting the same grades as us when she did absolutely nothing. It is not like we outcast her. I tried my best to include her but she herself wants to outcast herself. What can I do?
Because she stole my FYP project which I told her I really really wanted, I ain’t having a good impression of her and I can’t wait for my lecturer to “accidentally” find out she ain’t doing work and doesn’t deserves the marks she is getting.
Second, the same lecturer have been giving difficult report questions. I like to be challenged, but not when there is so less help available. I really don’t mind difficult questions if I can get help when stuck but nope, no such luxury.
Thirdly, lecturers who don’t reply emails during HBL week is really really annoying. Geez..