Time is relative.
Whoever once said time is relative, I can understand.
Time passes fast during happy days, it slows down when you’re nervous, it passes quickly when you don’t notice it. In a blink of an eye, it’s September. I’m already going onto my final year of Poly.
What do I do from now on? If I do badly, where can I go? If I survived, what should I do?
Maybe nobody can ever show me the way for my life. Sometimes, the right path isn’t the easiest one.
I’m scared. If I don’t do well that’s the end of my hope. I’ve hoped and I’ve hoped. I’ve hoped for 4 semester and this is really my last hope.
Perhaps it wasn’t meant for me to embark on this path.Today my sis ask me to solve a maths problem. That type of question, once upon a time I don’t even need to think to solve. But today I couldn’t solve it anymore. I’ve sacrificed so much. Maths was my only pride and glory till I was 15, and I gave it up for science. For once, just for once, can you let me not regret my choice?