Perhaps I’ve gotten so used to being alone.
So used to crying alone.
So used to cheering myself up.
Maybe this is why social media is my only outlet.
I’m scared to becoming too independent. I feel as though even if the entire world abandoned me I can still survive myself.
But this is so… lonely…
This life is lonely.
너무 외롭다…
Enough of my 小姐 tantrum.
After one day of lab I realise no point being angry. Just be better.
So, tantrum’s over.😊
Impromtu dinz with “year 1 friends” lol😂
It’s funny how I was going tongo home, and Cheryl wanted to find her friend. And mentally I was ready to leave and she asked me to go over.
And so we chatted [or more like waited for her to decide to eat/change her shirt] for close to an hour and went to BV for eighteenchef.
And guess what?
Saw Belle at BV mrt when we exit gantry!
No wonder our group name is Co-ee-see-dance😂 so much coincidence.
And yes, I edited the photo. Using lightroom. Looks brighter now aahaha😂