ㅠㅠ I screwed up a line… I literally halt there awkwardly😭 but hiol… I hope no marks are minused…
The Q&A was weird. I was expecting tough questions but simple (but unanswerable) qns came out. Like… How would I know the cost of the cartridge when supervisor never passed me the invoice before😅
It is over anyway. Just settle my logbook and attendance thingy and FYP IS HISTORY.
Alright, time for some photo spam and reflection. Gonna be a long post today😝 #QWFYP
Probably the worst presentation I ever done. I should never forgive myself for screwing it up. Like… I memorised that line well, why did I panic?
Panic killed me so many times and had to kill me again today😢 Once I panic my mind will go blank.. I need to kick this bad habit. No more panicking.
I thought I mastered the art of staying calm already. Perhaps, not.
This is really one of my worst presentation EVER. If anything, I’m just disappointed in myself.
I don’t think the panic I felt can ever be described with words. Just imagine having many (angry) faces looking at you, while you forgot exactly what you need to say.
And not knowing what to do.
No one is smiling.
You are panicking.
I don’t know how long I halted, but it felt like an eternity.
In that short moment, I was thinking if I can finish this thing without breaking down.
Luckily I caught myself. And took a deep breath. And babbled things not from my script -.-
A group photo with all my lecturers. Some are my super fav… Guess who😂 heeheehee😝 hahaha actually most, except those I don’t talk to?
If only Dr Woo is here. Didnt even realise Dr Woo isnt here until we went out and we were like “ee, why are you here?!o.o”
Our co-examiner 😄 sorry for not being in our group photo
I still think my lecturers look better in lab coat😂 scientists should wear lab coat. It is like they are born to wear lab coat.
I’ll probably treasure the photo a lot. My lecturers are pretty much what makes my poly life😂 Their brains are 👍 and I just like smart people ahhahaa😅
Think I’ll miss these peeps when I gradㅠㅠ Less than a month to grad…
And my dear friend C need to understand I see some lecturers like my seniors. Tsktsk. SENIOR ONLY.
With our co examiner Dr Woo. Please be lenient on my little mistake😭 If only he is in the group photo… I mean rarely you get to take photo all the lecturers ahahahha
Geez, whatever that bite me on my FYP day, hope you have a good life ahead😒
Oh, and luckily I cleared my desktop before presentation because I had like some vulgar folder name for a stupid assignment that I had to do, and can’t remember if I deleted it. Thank god I did or else my marks fly.😂 #thecherisintheroom
What happened to my double eyelid😭
👌 with my group members. ✨SQC✨
It was a crazy time doing FYP. From being the last group to get a project (bad luck manz…) to being the first… to present😂
We suffered and we joked and we celebrated over the few months doing experiment. Getting pissed at weird result and screaming when we finally got good result for s. aureus. OMG… We really went through a lot.
I remember venting to my LO Dr Lai for just 5mins and it just feel so much better because FYP is really just so annoying…
Some major throwback😀 That was probably during the September holiday.. Those crazy days when nothing goes right and we are constantly frustrated.
I shall do the very disgusting Thank You thingy that everyone like to do..
Starting from the people that I did FYP with, SQC.
You two probably sick of me by now, like in holidays we see each other more than anyone else *eeks* Although like you both probably rather see guys but too bad you are stuck with me (and our bacteria kids).
And those days I screw up experiments because I confidently do the wrong things LOL
And those days when I woke up late and enter lab so late 🙁
Paiseh. Oops.
From now on there won’t be anymore of such thing heehee:P
From complaining about having to do spread plate without a turn table, to discussing what to do with those silly fragments on our results, it had been a long journey man. It had been like walking in a desert, only to meet with sandstorm, and like occasionally, when the weather is good once a month, we get to celebrate HAHAHA.
Those days when we try to entertain ourselves in the lab, those Spotify songs, those stories in the lab, those people we stalk while waiting for incubation… XD
I think those are the best parts of FYP HAHAHAHA
I think you guys are sick of extracting DNA, and me myself is sick of qPCR. Doing once or twice is fun, doing it for months straight is just plain boring.
SQC probably have the worst luck in DBS but at least we scraped through. 😀
Those report writing days were probably the worst but we survived. From the many drafts we made, to deleting a lot of our stuff, only to add in SO MANY pages of references..
Oh, and my grammar hahahah.
I’m still trying to improve my English. Right now, beside Singlish, all other language I speak sound as though I have an accent…
Our OCD until the last minute when we submit our report.. Those crazy times, I will never want to go back.
To be very honest, I think we seldom look like this at CBLS. Oh, unless we are alone in lab. Oops.
I guess we are too happy to end FYP😂
With our LO😂 Okay, Dr Lai probably suffered a lot because he (unluckily?) got our group for FYP.
1. We kanchiong
2. We a lot of things to complain
3. We cannot stand a lot of things
Add in occassionally whinings from us and hiol, he probably had the hardest time as FYP LO.
One more month and we won’t bother you le😢
Perhaps this is why people don’t want many daughters. SO WHINY! (And is not just me😪💁)
Exactly how many times we bothered him, I also don’t know.
Ooh, but the most touching thingy he done for us was that one fine Thursday we went to find him for some gel electrophoresis issue? And that afterwards we do our usual whining and wow he said he will come find us at CBLS afterwards. So I thought it was just a normal visit and suddenly he came with like fruits? A whole bunch of it in fact (that we had to share with classmates oops oops). And guess why he bought fruits.
Because he want to wish us a fruitful FYP. LOL
Ok it may be funny and HAHAHA my lab day was just made better because of it.
I hope we didn’t let you down cher. Although my mistake today 🙁
Dayre square limit cut off ya faces Im sorry
Hiol, and our Pearpear. After ranting to each other about FYP for months, IT IS FINALLY OVER.
No more random complains about FYP, let’s complain about cooler stuffs from now on.
Of course, we must also thank CBLS and Dr Teo for everything. Without them we will have no project at all LOL.
Only at CBLS, you learn how to make nutrient agar to feed your vacteria babies.
Only at CBLS, you learn how to DIY things. Like, pink bowl as ____? Empty pipette tip box as ___?
FYP made me realise that my passion is not in med tech. Why do I even want to be med tech back then?
Those year 1 days where I was “I want to be med tech. Can be in lab and can help people” are gone.
Now I just want to stay away from diagnostic and analyse things on my own.
FYP made me have interest in research. Also because med tech cannot do oncology work which I like.
So I guess I’m glad we have FYP. At least I found a new direction in life.
I still can’t dump science. It had been what I like since I was in Primary school. And that wanting to help people in pain is my kindergarten dream.
Simply can’t leave science for social work because I can’t imagine me working at a desk all the time o.o
Less than one month to graduation. I’m probably going to miss everything in poly. Friends, lab, CCA, lecturers… everything in general.
Especially my BDD. Been doing since year 1 and meant something to me. Although I don’t really like it at first.
Even those crazy mugging days, I think I might miss it. Poly days were the best in my life (although there are depressing moments…).
Felt like this 3 years flew by real quick. Is this what happens when you do things that you like? I’m glad I can make my own decisions and do what I really like.
I remember when in secondary school it felt like graduation is forever and it is just a drag. Totally don’t feel so in poly.
It is like year 1 zoomed by. Then we separated classes but still have mass lectures. Then we went for our internship. And they went for their internship. Now all of us are graduating.
Now that FYP is down, it really feels like it is over.
I’ll miss all these times TT
I’m so tired now. I shall go sleep. Tomorrow onwards is mugging for the rest of my modules. Now that I screwed my presentation, I cannot predict my FYP grade. Thus, gotta make sure all my other modules grades are A to pull it back up. In case.