I was watching Battle Trip from KBS while eating my late dinner just now, and I am super envious of that actress now. She’s living the life of a kdrama female lead. Her husband is super sweet and romantic too. I’m so jealous sighpie. Plus she is like so pretty.
Besides that, Penang looks really fun. I didn’t know Penang trip can be so cheap. I should totally go on a Malaysia trip. Maybe not this year, but next year? The flying thing on a ship looks fun. Definitely on my bucket list now.
I know they are actor and actress but seriously, they look like the main characters of a romantic kdrama. Also, hint hint to my future boyfriend. I like things like… these (see below). 🙂 It’s just so cute!! Maybe I should ask Cheryl to add this video to the things that she have to show my future boyfriend HAHAHA.
But really, where do you even find such a nice husband? Do I have to go to Korea and search for one? It seems like Korean guys are extremely nice, or is it just media plays?