Another attempt on Photoshop! Blissey is a blissful Pokemon ^^ 12 Feb 2015, Such a long and tiring day. My left eye stinging like a bitch now. For god knows why. Done with Biochem test and was easier than expected …
11 Feb 2015, Probably the second last time doing CPR already. Kinda sad because my group is the ideal group for me. Happy, fun, but can still produce results. Did I mention the proposal we spent so much time doing …
10 Feb 2015, It is early morning of 10 Feb and dear me have not slept and is not even half done with my AP Chem tutorial. Partly my fault for not listening in class, but mostly Yulia’s fault for …
8 Feb 2015, Going back to SP to do CPR project tomorrow, but I’m not sleeping yet because I’m not tired. Bought this blog a domain a while ago because it is super cheap, like 5 bucks plus for a …
6 Feb 2015, Today was such a busy day. It is all rush here and rush there that I barely had time to eat. But it is a good day, a satisfying one and a happy one.😊😊😊 Firstly, I finally …
4 Feb 2015, Today is such a bad day. 😕 I found out something quite some time ago that I did not really say out. 💭 What my conversation will be differs from people to people due to personality. I realised that I …
3 Feb 2015, Somebody please tell me why on Earth a Biomedical Science student, aka me, is studying and analysing sleep, sleep waves, sleep cycles and sleep patterns?! 😴 Not like I’m particularly interested in this dumb subject because dude, sleep is …
2 Feb 2015, So yeah, I found a new hobby, or should I say two new hobbies in this few days. Oh by the way, guess who passed first aid course already? ✌ Me. HAHAHHAA V is for Victory. Oh …
28 Jan 2015, Today was a mixed happy-sad day but I did a lot of thinking throughout. Woke up to check my whatsapp only to find out which evilevil seniors tickled our legs during RC camp. While on the train …
24-25 January 2015, Went for Red Cross Leadership Camp. Honestly, not very excited for it. What for, when I am already dead exhausted this two weeks and I will gladly sleep through the weekend then to go back to kembangan …
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