Im just saying, im craving for myojo instant noodles Having a crash course on aurora B right now. My head is dizzy with informations.

Well I survived one night at my flat alone. Not the most comfortable way but livable. Thankful to my friends that came over yesterday night to help me with the wifi thing and my boxes 😭😭 How to survive without …

我还没在lab玩够就结束了。呜呜好心疼。一个星期没有我的lab呜呜好无聊。 很懒不想整理行李。有好多想带回去的,却没位没手拿。 该是时候读读aurora B了。要不然去了Dr Saurin的lab会出丑。我记得aurora B是那个日本prof教的。都快一年了。这个project我真的会很努力去做。得去想想以后的路该怎…

I was so scared that I had done nothing well throughout this internship. I was super stressed to let this western blot run be perfect. And it did. A perfect western blot. Phew~

To: Dr xxxx, Can you even imagine the shock I felt on the night of 18th April, when I saw my grade for my epithelial case study assignment? 37/100. That was what you had given me. I could not believe …

Do you remember those days when teachers believed in you? When you said that you want to be an astronaut and everyone cheered for you? Those days are long over. It is now the days when whatever you say doesn't matter …

I mad soup but it was too salty to drink and too blend. And they evaporated fast while boiling. 🙁 I miss eating all the chinese new year goodies. Especially pineapple tarts. And that pink and white mochi thingy. …

Should I or should I not? On one hand, I want to rest before starting my final year because I know I will definitely want to start my career right after graduation. On the other hand, I have not figured …

So @ameliashafika joined dayre. Yay! More motivation for me to use this😂 esp after wasting my money for stickers😅 I’m so lazy to do anything… And bioinformatics is a mess. There is a class test apparently yet no official …
When I first stepped into my bioinformatics class last week, I had zero idea what I am going to do or what I am going to learn. I took that module simply because the statistic module I wanted was full …
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