I cried before my pysch finals because I was so fucking scared that I would not be able to be a cancer scientist if I don’t do well. That was 2 months ago. My journey is about to start. And …
如果我是个动物,那我应该是那打不死的蟑螂。 这场战… 姐姐我可不是放弃的type. 如果我是注定失败的那我也只能抗命。 其实也没我想象中难。也许是自己吓自己罢了。…
我可以放弃荣华富贵,我可以放弃男人,但我不可以没了科学。我这辈子也就为了这而活,我这辈子也就想要做哪一件事。想当年还在幼稚园时,天不怕地不怕,就怕痛。当时就说了长大后想要让别人不为痛而哭。也就这样走到了今天。你知道吗,当快要成功时,那可能一瞬间失去一切的感觉,是多么的可怕。 我有多么期盼有一天可以成为一个能够帮助病痛的…
如果这一切能过顺利完成,那我这辈子也就没什么想要的了。我只要二点一,不要求太高。我只想好好毕业,找份工作好好过生活。拜托了。我这辈子为了科学放弃的太多了。若连个二点一也拿不到,那我这生也就是个大失败,一无所有。 我心知肚明,自己没别人聪明。所以当别人想要个80时我只要个60。那并不代表我没志气。只不过是知道比不了的就不…
心烦脑烦。为什么这世界那么复杂呀? 加油了。考完后就海阔天空。…
Warrior that chooses who to die. I love einheria She’s adorbs and a hard boss Am bored. I hate psych. I think I will develop schizophrenia if I do neuro modules. Cancer science ftw.
So bored of writing thesis
I wasn't even shocked. At that time, all I felt was "I know I deserved it".
7 November 2018 Wednesday 04:06 p.m. University of Dundee, School of Medicine | 11°C Just had a chat with my supervisor and I think he has a high expectation for my thesis and poster. Guess I’ll have to do it …
11:06 a.m. University of Dundee, School of Medicine | 6°C Packed lab day because there is a seminar later. Need to finish my western and mount my slides before 1:30pm. Else I’ll have to come back after the seminar. Also, …
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