Finally got the apk to download boys24 pop to send hearts to my oppa inpyo😂 I wanted to vote inho too but he seems safer right now so I shall vote inpyo first😂 Inho and inpyo oppa need to debut. …

Studying at starbucks because daddy stole my room for mahjong game😨 I love the peace at one-north today because public holiday~ office are mostly closed. Feeling like a noob at starbucks because I don’t know how to order and what …

Today I did something childish!😝 So there is this one group in my class which I massively dislike some of their members because some of their members are lazy af and give low quality work in group work.😠👎 So during …

This app my friend recommended is actually quite fun to kill boredom on mrt hahaha😂 8am biostats lesson to start the day. Hopefully my mst come out well? I can’t hope too high after screwing a 5marks question, so 80% …

Really hate it when my makeup and hair is on point but I’m sweating them off because of the weather oh god😭 May the bus arrive soon!! Lessons today is so packed and include in the compulsory talk, I won’t …

Midnight supper! Trying to get a normal midnight snack. May it cook properly 🙏 #lousycook First day of year 3 term 2 starts today✌ Finally school starts. I’ve been looking forward to no more full time lab for the whole …

Long day at lab figuring where went wrong 🙁 Can totally feel FYP doesn’t have as much time as we wish. Didn’t prepare for Immuno quiz and it is tomo…

My June holiday is goneeeee~ I haven’t even rested..😭 School is starting tomorrow but it doesn’t feel so. Maybe because it is FYP day and no lessons~😝 Eng subbed boys24 is finally out and I just finished ep1. Wow! Definitely …

It is about 8 more hours to my assignment dateline and I’m super unmotivated to finish it >< Why am I doing assignment on transplantation and HIV on a bright sunny Saturday 😭 Jiayouzzz!!💪💪 3 more terms to graduation …

Had a group declared half day off from lab today. So I had an impromtu trip to sentosa, in search of a human-less spot at a tourist attraction.
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