A few days ago, I saw the article about this event and tagged Pearlyn. She seemed interested so Sylvia and I planned that after her birthday surprise and her fire drill, we will go to Vivocity to view it together. …

Amelia and I planned to go to WWW and Prata buffet for quite some time and we fixed it on 4th September, but guess what? We didn’t go to either. It was raining when I woke up and true to …
25 March 2015, Blogging because I’m in the CCA clubroom alone. So lonely. My partner flew off to find her teacher. So yeah, left me alone in the clubroom. So bored. Nearly died on MRT just now. Someone please tell …

Had a very very busy week and I’m really exhausted. At least, I’ve cleared many burdens (although more are coming). Well, I cleared CPR proposal writing. This project was really fun and I really enjoyed the team work we have. …

3 October 2014, I’m really tired now. I used up all my energy already and did not recharge enough last night. Even my phone died on me before I reached home. Went for BDD meeting early in the morning. Have …
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