I’ve been running blogshop ever since it started to be popular among youth. My first attempt in blogshop was when I was 12 years old, but it failed terribly. I didn’t even manage to sell an item. I tried again …
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Honestly, having scoliosis seems to be the worst thing that can ever happen to me. I mean, I didn’t ask to be born with it and yet my whole life I have to live with that darn condition/disease whatever… To …
Hello to 2014! This is a fresh new year for me. I’m going to make this the best year of my life. For a start, I’m going to do the following things:1. Be Hyeon (Yep, be the person I want …
4/5/18: Just like all the previous posts, I really don’t know the source of this and I have no idea where I got my sources. Forgive the 16 years old me for not knowing the importance of citing sources Lung …
[Update 15/4/18] I have no idea why I even made this post. TBH even at University stage I still have problem with cytokines LOL. These are probably copy paste from wikipedia… Cytokines are proteins that are produced by cells. They …
Yes, I scored A1 for O level chinese. Although it wasn’t something that is very proud to say or anything but at least it is an achievement. This year distinction rate was like… 20++%? My school’s rate was like 30 …
Update 21/4/18: Holy shit why do I even write all these in the past? Also, probably copied from some websites, IDK. I don’t remember anymore. Common diseases after disaster Cholera: Cholera is an infection in the small intestine of a …
4/5/18: No idea why but I have a feeling I copied this off some website. IDK. 16 years old me have no much idea about plagiarism or copyright -.- Colon(large intestine) cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is a cancer …
“Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.” Martha Graham Okay, before I start my little post on DPA, let’s talk about my MYE first. I pretty much flunked everything no matter …
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