Not sure why I was even nervous but damn, lab is good. Everyone there is nice and friendly. They’re all so willing to teach and help me. Only thing is I cannot find my way. But give me a few …

Radiation therapy is commonly used for cancer treatment. Photon therapy (aka X-ray) is used most commonly, but proton therapy is said to have an advantage over photon therapy. Photon enters the organ in high dose, hits the tumour and exit …

Finally, it is the end of exams (and also my nightmare). I’m glad I just have to go through it once more because exam decrease my lifespan I swear. Bioinformatics exam was really easy though, besides the fact that the …

It’s good time I start to read up on cancer. Even though I am not taking the cancer biology degree, I’ve designed my final year in University to centre around cancer theme. The thing about cancer that draws my attention …
Cancer treatment When I was younger, I used to think that perhaps in the future, a scientist will invent a pill to cure cancer. After studying science for so long, I realise it is almost impossible to totally cure cancer …
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