31 December 2014, Last day of the year. I will be very sad that 2014 is ending because it had been a wonderful year despite many failures. I believe 2015 will be better and I shall look forward to it …
Went for the Junior Ambassador briefing for NAC and nope, I am very unimpressed by the cca. Who on Earth will give us 4 days to type out a proposal for a service event, and it is like right before …
Had my best camp ever in my entire life. BIG BIG THANK YOU TO MY AWESOME GROUP MATES AND FRIENDS WHO WENT WITH ME!!<3 사랑해요 ^^ I really enjoyed super duper much and no amount of words can describe …
Going for NYAA camp next monday so no posts until Friday probably, or Thursday if I actually have energy to type anything. Doing publicity planning tomorrow in school for the next bdd. Hopefully, publicity will turn out good. It will …
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