That is my very first attempt in a complete Photoshop artwork. Still need to improve my skills if I really want to learn Photoshop. The gradient so ugly. Recently started using Photoshop for the sake of CPR and whenever I …

I’ve tried my best, and sometimes I do get tired too. I try my best not to discriminate people or to judge people even before knowing them. Even if they don’t think the same way as me, I try to …

This is my 88th blog post for this blog! *YAY* Actually, I typed a blog post a while ago but it was a sad one and doesn’t fit the image of being the lucky 88th post so I shall do …

Sometimes, giving up does not mean I never wanted it. It meant that I wanted it more than anything, just that I need to know my limits. Some things that are not meant to be, will never be. Some things …
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