It’s the second last day of internship! Ran the second half of western blot today and IT SUCCEEDED! Finally! I put quite a bit of pressure on myself because I really wanted to prove that I can run an experiment …
Hey come on people… I know SP DBS (Singapore Polytechnic’s Diploma in Biomedical Sciences) is one of the ‘hot’ courses among the polytechnic courses in Singapore but you guys don’t have to be so kiasu. As someone who used to …

16 May 2015, Yesterday I went for first aid duty at Sentoda for my juniors… Event planned by DBSSC. Don’t really want to go, but then Choontat asked and he helped so much for BDD I just can’t say …

14 May 2015, Picture-filled post because picture speak a thousand words. Haematology lab is fun, but the finger prick is painful. Got bruise and pricked a total of 3 fingers… But still not enough blood collected. …

Another attempt on Photoshop! Blissey is a blissful Pokemon ^^ 12 Feb 2015, Such a long and tiring day. My left eye stinging like a bitch now. For god knows why. Done with Biochem test and was easier than expected …
3 Feb 2015, Somebody please tell me why on Earth a Biomedical Science student, aka me, is studying and analysing sleep, sleep waves, sleep cycles and sleep patterns?! 😴 Not like I’m particularly interested in this dumb subject because dude, sleep is …
7 Jan 2015, I think my chemistry teacher don’t like me hahahahaXD Cause I always sleep in her lesson. But then she don’t have the aura to make me awake also. I missed Ms Teng. Ms Teng got the aura …
Recently have been earning much cash on Carousell because I thought of an amazing money generating business plans and I have quite some profits already. ^^ Proud of myself. Really, you don’t need business diploma to earn profits. Just some …

https://www.instagram.com/p/wgPCpOsBBj/?taken-by=prealthea 12 Dec 2014, Had a happy post MST celebration with my DBS friends and took a lot of photos!^^ Just found a careless mistake on my part for maths mst and I can say goodbye to my distinction …
7 Dec 2014, Holy shit tomorrow is MST but I’m not ready. Fuck the distinctions wish just gimme an A I will worship the GPA god. Have been eating alot because of MST I’m growing fatter omfg no. Need to …
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